
This document contains a collection of (maybe) useful hints and commands for developers to do various task inside the installed SECO North Yocto.

This is a growing document and not ment to reach any state of completeness like a manual, or similar.



Play sound

aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*

Play click sequence

wget -P /tmp/ http://support.garz-fricke.com/projects/TestFiles/Audio/short_click_4_times.wav aplay /tmp/short_click_4_times.wav

Qt QML audio playback



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

cat > /tmp/audio-playback.qml << 'EOF' import QtMultimedia 5.15 import QtQuick 2.15

Text { text: "Click Me!"; font.pointSize: 24; width: 150; height: 50;

Audio {
    id: playMusic
    source: "/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav"
MouseArea {
    id: playArea
    anchors.fill: parent
    onPressed:  { playMusic.play() }


qmlscene /tmp/audio-playback.qml ```

HDMI sound playback test


Start speaker-test for HDMI card.

sh speaker-test -c 2 -t wav -D sysdefault:CARD=DWHDMI

Gstreamer sound playback test


Play test audio source with gst-launch for a few seconds for both sound devices.

sh gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! alsasink device=hw:0,0 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! alsasink device=hw:1,0

Expected results

Sound is played through the HDMI display if device=hw:0,0 is used. Sound is played through the speaker if device=hw:1,0 is used.


Bluetooth is currently only basically supported. Commands used for a basic hardware test:

Tanaro V1.1

Note: There are devices which do not have R11 populated on the BT Uart's CTS line. These do not support bluetooth. ```

Connect the BT-Chip

rtkhciattach ttymxc3 rtkh5

hciconfig hci0 up

Scan for other BT-devices

hcitool scan ```

Bluetooth audio example

BT was tested on Tanaro via Audio profile according to the following methodology:

  1. Add "bluealsa" package to the image.
  2. Bring up a BT controller:


rtkhciattach ttymxc3 rtkh5

hciconfig hci0 up


  1. Connect to another BT device which is capable of playing audio via BT (Tanaro is used to generate audio and ordinary Linux PC to play it).



Agent registered [CHG] Controller 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 Pairable: yes

[bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 Discovering: yes [NEW] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F fedora

[bluetooth]# pair C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Attempting to pair with C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: yes Request confirmation [agent] Confirm passkey 756821 (yes/no): yes [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F UUIDs: 00001104-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb ... [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: yes [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Paired: yes Pairing successful [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: no [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: no

[bluetooth]# trust C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Trusted: yes Changing C4:23:60:A1:23:8F trust succeeded

[bluetooth]# connect C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Attempting to connect to C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: yes Connection successful [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: yes ```


bluealsa-aplay -L

bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=C4:23:60:A1:23:8F,PROFILE=sco fedora, trusted computer, playback SCO (CVSD): S16LE 1 channel 8000 Hz bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=C4:23:60:A1:23:8F,PROFILE=sco fedora, trusted computer, capture SCO (CVSD): S16LE 1 channel 8000 Hz bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=C4:23:60:A1:23:8F,PROFILE=a2dp fedora, trusted computer, playback A2DP (SBC): S16_LE 2 channels 48000 Hz ```


aplay -D bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=C4:23:60:A1:23:8F,PROFILE=a2dp /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav

Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono ```

Bluetooth serial port example

1) Bring up a BT controller on Tanaro:


rtkhciattach ttymxc3 rtkh5

hciconfig hci0 up


2) Connect to another PC/board with BT device and which is capable of using rfcomm.



Agent registered [CHG] Controller 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 Pairable: yes

[bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 Discovering: yes [NEW] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F fedora

[bluetooth]# pair C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Attempting to pair with C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: yes Request confirmation [agent] Confirm passkey 756821 (yes/no): yes [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F UUIDs: 00001104-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb ... [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: yes [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Paired: yes Pairing successful [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: no [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: no

[bluetooth]# trust C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Trusted: yes Changing C4:23:60:A1:23:8F trust succeeded

[bluetooth]# connect C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Attempting to connect to C4:23:60:A1:23:8F [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F Connected: yes Connection successful [CHG] Device C4:23:60:A1:23:8F ServicesResolved: yes ```

3) On Tanaro, start listening on /dev/rfcomm0 port via rfcomm tool:


rfcomm --raw listen /dev/rfcomm0 0

Waiting for connection on channel 0 ```

4) On second PC/board, connect to Tanaro via rfcomm:

``` $ sudo rfcomm --raw connect 0 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 44:01:BB:E0:80:C1 on channel 1 Press CTRL-C for hangup

, where "44:01:BB:E0:80:C1" is an address of BT controller on Tanaro. ```

5) Check on Tanaro that the second PC/board has been connected:


rfcomm --raw listen /dev/rfcomm0 0

Waiting for connection on channel 0 Connection from C4:23:60:A1:23:8F to /dev/rfcomm0 Press CTRL-C for hangup ```

6) Transfer some data via /dev/rtcomm0 between Tanaro and the second PC/board:

BLE (SantVend v1.2)


Read device version

sh /opt/ltp/testcases/bin/spi -m 0x1,0x09 -r 9 /dev/spidev2.0 /opt/ltp/testcases/bin/spi -m 0x1,0x09 -r 9 /dev/spidev2.0

Expected results

Second command return response (9 bytes): 84 09 00 41 00 02 00 ff ff

BLE (SantVend v1.3)


Read the chip type and OS version

sh /opt/ltp/testcases/bin/spi -m 0x02,0x10,0x01,0x00,0x0F,0x01C -r 12 /dev/spidev2.0 /opt/ltp/testcases/bin/spi -m 0x02,0x10,0x01,0x00,0x0F,0x01C -r 12 /dev/spidev2.0

Expected results

Second command return response (12 bytes): 00 30 44 41 41 05 20 40 28 05 00 a9


CAN test

Test Setup


  1. Setup can interfaces on both boards and check interface statistics.

sh ifconfig can0 down ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000 ifconfig can0 up ifconfig can0

  1. On the device under test start candump.

sh candump can0

  1. On the reciver device run cangen and cansend.

sh cangen can0 -n 10 -v cansend can0 '5A1#'

  1. On the device under test stop stop candump. On both boards check interface statistics. sh ifconfig can0

  2. Repeat steps 2,3 and 4 in other direction (candump on the second board and cangen with cansend on the first board).

Expected results

Interface was successfully setup on both devices. Information received by candump on one board corresponds to the information sent by the other. TX and RX counters were increased by the amount of sent and received packets. Counters for errors, dropped, overruns, frame, carrier and collisions did not increase. ```

Counter part is running TestCANW322.0.2.0.exe -s -v1 -x4

/opt/ltp/testcases/bin/can ```

Device boot time test


Shutdown device and disconnect the power supply unit.

Start grabserial tool on host PC:

sh grabserial --verbose --device="/dev/ttyUSB0" --baud=115200 --time --match="Configuring DDR3 pads.*"

Power up the board.


Test Setup

BLPATH=/sys/class/backlight/backlight/ MAXBRIGHTNESS=$(cat $BLPATH/maxbrightness) ACTUALBRIGHTNESS=$(cat $BLPATH/actualbrightness) echo "max brightness value: $MAXBRIGHTNESS" echo "actual brightness value: $ACTUALBRIGHTNESS" echo 0 > $BLPATH/brightness sleep 2 echo $(($MAXBRIGHTNESS/2)) > $BLPATH/brightness sleep 2 echo $MAXBRIGHTNESS > $BLPATH/brightness sleep 2 echo $ACTUALBRIGHTNESS > $BLPATH/brightness echo "done" EOF * Set output sections in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini as following. [output] name=LVDS-1 transform=normal mode=preferred

[output] name=HDMI-A-1 transform=normal mode=preferred ```

Backlight test


Run prepared backlight-test.sh.

sh sh /tmp/backlight-test.sh

Expected results

During the test: - at first, LVDS display backlight will turn off; - after 2 seconds, it will turn on with half of maximum brightness level; - after 2 more seconds, brightness will be set to max brightness; - after 2 more seconds, brightness level will be set to pre-test value.

FB blank


Stop weston.

sh systemctl stop weston.socket

Check if FB blanking works.

sh echo 4 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank sleep 2 echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank

Start weston again.

sh systemctl start weston

Expected results

On "echo 4" command, both displays stop showing any image (e.g. there is no signal for HDMI). On "echo 0" command, both displays turn on.

Single display LVDS test


Set mode=off in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for HDMI display. Set mode=preferred in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for LVDS display. Restart weston and check weston-info.

sh systemctl restart weston weston-info

Expected results

Image is shown only on LVDS display. Weston-info shows only one working display - LVDS.

Single display HDMI test


Set mode=preferred in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for HDMI display. Set mode=off in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for LVDS display. Restart weston and check weston-info.

sh systemctl restart weston weston-info

Expected results

Image is shown only on HDMI display. Weston-info shows only one working display - HDMI.

Dual display test


Set mode=preferred in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for HDMI display. Set mode=preferred in /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini for LVDS display. Restart weston and check weston-info.

sh systemctl restart weston weston-info

Expected results

Image is shown on both displays. Weston-info shows that both display are enabled.

Weston rotation

Set different output rotation values. It is assumed that only one output is present in weston.ini. ```


systemctl stop seco-show-demo

90 deg

sed -i 's/transform=.*$/transform=rotate-90/g' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini systemctl restart weston weston-image /usr/share/seco-show-demo/images/icon-hw-info.png

270 deg

sed -i 's/transform=.*$/transform=rotate-270/g' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini systemctl restart weston weston-image /usr/share/seco-show-demo/images/icon-hw-info.png

180 deg

sed -i 's/transform=.*$/transform=rotate-180/g' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini systemctl restart weston weston-image /usr/share/seco-show-demo/images/icon-hw-info.png

0 degree

sed -i 's/transform=.*$/transform=normal/g' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini systemctl restart weston weston-image /usr/share/seco-show-demo/images/icon-hw-info.png ```



gfeeprom --show

EEPROM write

Before you run the write command verify the content of eeprom-orig.txt. Otherwise the original eeprom values may get lost. ```


output=$(gfeeprom --show | grep "0-0050/eeprom ->") eval e=($(echo $output | sed -e 's/[>|()]//g' )) echo "[BEGIN] Controller Index = 1 Device = ${e[1]} EEPROM Address = 0x${e[1]##eeprom} Major Version = ${e[12]} Minor Version = ${e[14]} Article Number = ${e[7]} Serial Number = ${e[10]} Component = ${e[4]} Comment = ${e[16]} Verify = 0x1 Force write = 0x1 [END]" > /tmp/eeprom-orig.txt comment="Write test $(date)" sed "s/Comment =./Comment = ${comment}/" /tmp/eeprom-orig.txt > /tmp/eeprom-test.txt

cat /tmp/eeprom-orig.txt

Write to eeprom and read back

gfeeprom --program -sf /tmp/eeprom-test.txt gfeeprom --show

Restore original values

gfeeprom --program -sf /tmp/eeprom-orig.txt ```


Test Setup

DNS lookup test

nslookup north.seco.com

Performance test

Connect only the interface that is to be tested to the network. Run iperf client on the board to check upload speed:

sh iperf3 -c <server_ip> -P4

Run iperf client on the board to check download speed:

sh iperf3 -c <server_ip> -P4 -R

iperf3 -c <hostname/ip of echo server machine> -p 5201

Expected results

Upload/download speed is greater that 90 Mbit/sec.


Basic test of the iptables functionality.

Ping and port scan

On the target, block all traffic: iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

On the remote device: ``` export DEVICE={Test device IP address}

ping $DEVICE -c3 -W1 for i in {1..255}; do ( ( nc -w 1 -n $DEVICE $i < /dev/null > /dev/null && echo -en "\r" && echo -n "Port $i: " && nc -v $DEVICE $i < /dev/null; echo -en "\r") & ); done ```

Ping should fail and no open port should be reported.

Validate http access

On the target, block all traffic but open port 80 and 53 (for dns)

iptables -F iptables -A INPUT -j DROP iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --source-port 53 -j ACCEPT iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT 1 -i eth0 -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT Try to download a webside from the internet: wget www.google.de

Simple systemd service to configure iptables on startup

Write the current setup from the previous test to the config file:

iptables-save > /etc/iptables/iptables.rules

Verify the rules are applied after reboot.


HDMI DRM device

Check if a HDMI DRM device was created. ls /sys/class/drm/ | grep HDMI

HDMI modetest

Use modetest -c and modetest -p to find out which connector and crtc values (\

systemctl stop weston modetest -M imx-drm -s 66@47:1280x800

Weston on HDMI

Get connector name for HDMI:

root@localhost:~# ls /sys/class/drm/ | grep HDMI card1-HDMI-A-1

Change weston.ini accordingly:

[output] name=HDMI-A-1 ...

Reboot the device.

Light sensor (SantVend)

Test Setup

Light sensor test


Check light sensor reading with different illumination levels.

sh cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_illuminance_input

Expected results

The dimmer the illumination, the lower the light sensors reading will be.

MDB (SantVend)

Test Setup

MDB test


  1. Start slave test on SantVend board with slave part of the MDB cable:

sh mdbtest_slave ttymxc3

  1. Start master test on SantVend board with master part of the MDB cable:

sh mdbtest_master ttymxc2

Expected results

Communication between test application is established. There are no errors during transfer. Reply messages from slave are seen on master. Slave reported "POLL count: 1" at the end.


Test Setup

Start Quectel EC21 LTE modem


Clean dmesg buffer and reset modem:

```sh dmesg -C

MODEMRESET=$(gpiofind modemreset) gpioset $MODEMRESET=1; sleep 1; gpioset $MODEMRESET=0

MODEMIGN=$(gpiofind modemignition) gpioset $MODEMIGN=0; sleep 0.5; gpioset $MODEMIGN=1; sleep 1; gpioset $MODEM_IGN=0 ```

Check kernel messages.

sh dmesg

Check loaded modules.

sh lsmod

Expected results

USB/Network drivers successfully loaded after modem reset/ignition. There are no errors in dmesg. The following drivers are loaded as modules: "qcserial", "qmiwwan", "cdcwdm", "option", "usb_wwan", "usbserial".

AT commands test


Run AT command to query vendor name.

sh echo -ne "AT+CGMI\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p"

Run AT command to query model number.

sh echo -ne "AT+CGMM\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p"

Retrieve info from SIM card:

sh echo -ne "AT+CFUN=1\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p" echo -ne "AT+CPIN?\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p" echo -ne "AT+CSQ\\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p" echo -ne "AT+COPS?\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p" echo -ne "AT+CNUM\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4 | sed -n "2p" echo -ne "AT+QECCNUM=0,1\r\n" | microcom -t 100 -s 115200 /dev/ttymxc4

Expected results

AT commands shows:


NFS client

Change the variables NFSSERVER and SERVERDIR to match your configuration. NFSSERVER=<hostname> SERVERDIR=/home/ mkdir -p /tmp/mnt/nfs mount -t nfs $NFSSERVER:$SERVERDIR /tmp/mnt/nfs ls /tmp/mnt/nfs umount /tmp/mnt/nfs

Power management

Standby mode wakeup from CPU internal RTC

``` echo +5 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc1/wakealarm && echo standby > /sys/power/state

The device should wake up after 5 seconds


Standby mode wakeup from from serial interface

``` echo enabled > /sys/class/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup && echo standby > /sys/power/state

Device has to wake up after keypress on the serial console


Deep sleep mode wakeup from CPU internal RTC

``` echo +5 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc1/wakealarm && echo mem > /sys/power/state

The device should wake up after 5 seconds


Deep sleep mode wakeup from from serial interface

``` echo enabled > /sys/class/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup && echo mem > /sys/power/state

Device has to wake up after keypress on the serial console


Power management: low power modes (SantVend)

Test Setup

Standby mode wakeup from CPU internal RTC


sh echo +30 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc1/wakealarm && echo standby > /sys/power/state

Expected results

The device should wake up after 5 seconds.

Standby mode wakeup from from serial interface


sh echo enabled > /sys/class/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup && echo standby > /sys/power/state

Expected results

Device has to wake up after keypress on the serial console.

Deep sleep mode wakeup from CPU internal RTC


sh echo +30 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc1/wakealarm && echo mem > /sys/power/state

Expected results

The device should wake up after 5 seconds.

Deep sleep mode wakeup from from serial interface


sh echo enabled > /sys/class/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup && echo mem > /sys/power/state

Expected results

Device has to wake up after keypress on the serial console.

Power management: poweroff

Test Setup

Reset on short powerfail test


Power up the device. Execute:

sh shutdown -hP 0

Disable the power supply for only ~1 second. The device will be powered by the battery for the short power-outage. Wait for the reset and the system reboot.

Expected results

The system should execute as reboot and be back online after < 1min.

PMIC Off-Mode test


Power up the device. Disable the power supply. The device will then be powered by the battery. Execute:

sh shutdown -hP 0

Wait for device power-down (will be shown on the debug-console). Wait 10 seconds and re-power the power supply. Wait for power-up Execute:

sh reboot

Expected results

After the shutdown command the console should show:

[ xx.xxxxxx] reboot: Power down

The device should power up normally.\ The reboot should work as expected.


Python3 web certificates

This test ensures that certificates are installed on the system and openssl and python have access them. ``` echo -e "import urllib.request\nprint(urllib.request.urlopen('https://www.google.com'))\n" | python3

Expectet output something like


pip3 functionality

This test ensures that python 2 and python 3 on the system are complete enough to allow installation of additional packages via pip. ``` pip3 install virtualenv

Expected output something like: Successfully installed distlib-0.3.6 filelock-3.8.0 platformdirs-2.5.4 virtualenv-20.17.0



OpenGl ES



systemctl stop seco-show-demo


When you touch the display, a rectancle should show up under the finger


Qt Kiosk Browser & Qt Virtual Keyboard



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

sed -i 's/"URL":.*$/"URL": "https:\/\/north.seco.com\/suchen?",/' /etc/qt-kiosk-browser.conf qt-kiosk-browser /etc/qt-kiosk-browser.conf --no-sandbox

You can verfiy the virtual keyboard functionality by clicking the search field and entering text



RS232 #2

Start a console on the second RS232 interface if present. setsid getty -L 115200 ttymxc1 vt100


RS485 Full Duplex

Connect two SECO-NE devices using an RS485 full duplex cable. ```

Start echo Server on device #1

/opt/ltp/testcases/bin/rs485echo -n -e -s 115200 -b 64

Send messages from device #2

/opt/ltp/testcases/bin/rs485echo -n -s 115200 -b 64 ```

RS485 Half Duplex

Connect two SECO-NE devices using an RS485 half duplex cable. ```

Start echo Server on device #1

/opt/ltp/testcases/bin/rs485echo -e -s 115200 -b 64

Send messages from device #2

/opt/ltp/testcases/bin/rs485echo -s 115200 -b 64 ```


RTC write

Disconnect all network interfaces. ```

Set date (02.01.2000) as system time and write it to RTC

date 0102000000 hwclock --systohc

Read system time


Read RTC


The result should look like: Sat Jan 2 00:00:00 2000 0.000000 seconds



sconfig read


sconfig set value

At the moment sconfig values can not be modified.


SD-Card read and write

Plug in a SD-Card with at least one partition in fat32 format. ``` mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/

Verify mount

mount | grep mmcblk1p1


echo "Test data" > /mnt/testfile


cat /mnt/testfile ```


The SFTP server is running by default.

SFTP connection

Connect to the device's SFTP server using the sftp command. sftp root@<device-ip>


The SSH server is running by default.

SSH connection

Connect to the device's SSH server using the ssh command. ssh root@<device-ip>

Temperature Sensors

Temperature read

For on-board sensors like LM75: cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input SOC temperature/s: cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp


General remarks

Since the switch from Rocko to Dunfell, some strange issues showed up for some touch devices:

The reason for this is a high amount of i2c data caused by some touch controllers and handled too slowly by the i2c driver. These issues were not present with Rocko, because the used i2c driver was much faster in processing the touch data. In contrast to the Dunfell/Kirkstone version, the Rocko driver handles the i2c transfers within its ISR routine, which is much faster then using wait queues. To solve this, an option to perform i2c reads within the ISR was added in kirkstone (kernel 5.15.32) i2c driver.




systemctl stop seco-show-demo

fingerpaint ```

fingerpaint rotated by 90 deg



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

sed -i 's/transform=.*$/transform=rotate-90/g' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini systemctl restart weston fingerpaint ```


USB Host read and write

Plug in a USB-Stick with at least one partition in fat32 format. ``` mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/

Verify mount

mount | grep sda1


echo "Test data" > /mnt/testfile


cat /mnt/testfile ```


Start a console on the USB OTG port. modprobe g_serial setsid getty -L 115200 ttyGS0 vt100

Video playback

MPEG2 playback



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

curl http://support.garz-fricke.com/projects/TestFiles/Videos/cc-BigBuckBunny-Trailer-800x448-mpeg2-stereo.mpg > /tmp/video gst-play-1.0 /tmp/video ```

MPEG4 ASP playback



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

curl http://support.garz-fricke.com/projects/TestFiles/Videos/cc-BigBuckBunny-Trailer-800x448-mpeg4-stereo.mp4 > /tmp/video gst-play-1.0 /tmp/video ```

MPEG4 AVC playback



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

curl http://support.garz-fricke.com/projects/TestFiles/Videos/cc-BigBuckBunny-Trailer-800x448-h264-stereo.mp4 > /tmp/video gst-play-1.0 /tmp/video ```

VP9 playback from qml



systemctl stop seco-show-demo

qmlscene /opt/ltp/scripts/video_playback.qml ```


Watchdog test



Scan wireless networks (nmcli)

nmcli dev wifi list

Connect to wireles network (nmcli)

nmcli dev wifi connect <ssid> password "<password>"