TR6CONXS-BSP Changelog: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2013Q2 + Touch: - Add new Sigma Filter to skip bad samples - Add AutoAdapt and Subsamples for more noise immunity of WM9715. - Add Focaltech-Multitouch. + drvlib: - Add AC97_GetCodecID - Added OEM_FileSystemPowerFunction(). - Fix reading ADC-samples. - Fix i2c_GetByte() always returned false. - I2c_GetByte return error-code. + Serial-Port: - Added option to use GPIO for RS485 switch (STUART). + camera - Check if TVP5150 exists on both I2C-addresses. + SD/SDIO-card - Add [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_Class2\High_Capacity2], otherwise second SDHC-card on second port not detected. - SDMMC Card2 naming changed. + Network - Added support for SMSC 8710 ethernet phy. - Bugfix: Added packet-filtering. + Misc - Added Support for WM9715L Codec. - Add PLAT_UARTKEYBD_RUS for russian keyboard. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2012Q4 + SD/SDIO-card: - Add support to keep SD-card mounted during suspend (SuspendEjectCard). - Bugfix: SD-controller can only send multiple of 4Byte. - Fix several issues related to SUMMIT SDIO-WLAN-cards (MSD30,MSD40). - Fix disable/enable of SDIO8686 (Trizeps6-WLAN-module). - Fix SDIO8686 (Trizeps6-WLAN-module) does not load or stops functioning properly. + USB: - Added support for USB CableSwitch Option. - Bugfix: USB-Slave does not work after Suspend/Resume. - Bugfix: USB-Host driver may hang the system during power-up routine. - Bugfix: Copy of files containing >512Bytes of 0xff may fail. + Serial-Port: - Added IrDA support. - Add PLAT_FFUART_IRDA and PLAT_BTUART_IRDA. + Octal-UART: - Added "RxBufferSize"-RegistryKey. + Network: - Bugfix: On high-network-traffic, an old packet instead of the new one gets send. + SJA1000-CAN: - Fix: Do not block Interrupt-Routine on Error. + Camera: - Added RGB, Flip and Mirror option to tvp5150-driver. - Bugfix: Camera stops after suspend/resume and needs to be restarted by application. - Bugfix: DirectShow application expects Preview-Pin after Still-Picture. - Bugfix: Camera may hang if running a sequence of "pause,start,stop" in a loop with little pauses (< 1 frame) between the commands. + Misc: - Patch image with celicense.txt if exist. - Flashupdate: Updated to version 11.06.2012. ( check against processor-revision, /S and /F option). - kukpart: Fix for Windows Embedded CE6 2012M05 Update. - AX88976: Added support for external Phy. - Change default-IRQ of Focaltech-Touch to 0100082F (new iPAN7-version). - Added [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\KUK] TTLIOMode to use Trizeps VI internal CPLD TTLIO. - Added PLAT_DISPLAY_24BPP to use 24Bpp Framebuffer-format. - BugFix: RTC-Alarm for DST (Daylight-Saving-Time). - Added Millisecond-resolution to GetTime(). - Microsoft 120625_KB2708132: Bugfix RFCOMM connections are disconnected. - Microsoft KB2728493. Mount non-partitioned ExFAT. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2012Q2 + KuKInit: - Added thread to throttle processor on high-temperature. ( see PLAT_KUKINIT_WATCHTEMP_DEFAULT in platform.reg) - Add check for "SDMMCCard". + drvlib: - Added Get_Temperature(). + Error-Reporting: - Add PLAT_WATSONBUFFERSIZE to allow bigger error-dumps. + SD: - Added SDMemory2-Profile to allow different names for each sd-card slot. - Minor Bugfix: RegCloseKey instead of CloseHandle. + Camera - Reworked camera-driver. - Several options now configurable through registry. + Display: - Add display ClockDithering (PLAT_DISPLAY_DITHERCLOCKDIV). - Do not swap UV on YUV overlays. + Touch: - Added [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Devicemap\Touch] UseSleep to reduce CPU usage on touch-press. In default do not use sleep between samples. - Added Focaltech-Touch-driver. + Audio: - Added PLAT_MONOMODE: R-channel is inverted L-channel. + UART: - Bugfix: Handle FIFO-Error. Otherwise Errors/Break-Characters my lead to driver hang. + Octal-UART: - Update MDD. + USB: - Microsoft KB2516902: Memory -Leak under certain conditions, because handle is not freed. - Bugfix: Suspend/Resume of USB-Host-port 2. + Bugfix: - Marvell DPF983 ( prevent user from selecting sleep modes for IDLE), DPF-932 ( AFIFO_MERGE_DIS). - System-Time after Suspend/Resume not valid for some RTC. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2012Q1: - Bugfix: Suspend/Resume issues related to touch, display and backlight. - Bugfix: ClockDivider 0x8000000d sometimes prevented display getting initialized. - Bugfix: Display use normal memory when physical video memory is exhausted and only 'preferred video memory' was selected! - Bugfix: Prevent CAN-Bus-Deadlock if bad CAN-device attached to network. - Added PLAT_I2C_100KHZ to operate I2C in 100kHz mode. - Added custom Timer-Interrupts. - Added Flash_xxx-routines to drvlib. - Added KUK-Software-Input-Panel - Overwrite Angle values with values from [HKLM\System\KUK] ( Boot-Parameters). - CAN: Initialize SJA1000 after CAN_Open; not already on CAN_Init. - Bugfix: Flashupdate.exe did write spare-area of flash incorrect. - Serial-Driver: Remove wait before going into suspend. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2011Q4_2: + SDHC: - Bugfix: Failed to copy file from SD-memory-cards, when WLAN802.11 b/g selected! ( fix of 2011Q4_1-bug) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2011Q4_1: + SDHC / WLAN driver: - Bugfix: SD-card stops function short after boot if WLAN802.11 b/g is selected. - Bugfix: Suspend/Resume. - Added PLAT_SDMMC2_ALTERNATE. If set to 1, the SODIMM-pins 170..180 may be used for the second SD-card (see platform.reg). + Touch: - Reduce CPU-load on touch-press. + Display: - Bugfix: Start with rotated display. + Misc: - Removed default-selection of Cache-Filter component. This could cause up to 33% performance lost. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2011Q4: + Core: - Increase core-voltage for 1.1GHz operating-point, because of stability-issues. - Bugfix Watchdog and Softreset ( did not always reset). - Add support for ILTiming (Interrupt-Latency-Timing). - Added Profiler support. - Support store of RAM-based registry (with xip.bin). - Added support for RAM-based "persistant"-registry. + NAND-driver: - Add support for 4GB and 8GB Micron flashes. - Bugfix: Unaligned buffer during flash-write causes crash. - Create 'soft'-flashdisk-folder when not mounted from NAND. + SDHC driver: - Added WriteProtectGPIO and CardDetectIRQ (PLAT_SDMMC_CARDDETECTIRQ) registry option. - Interrupt-Bugfix for some SDIO-cards. - Do not configure DFIO-MMC3 on non-WL Trizeps. + USB: - Added HighSpeed registry option to force USB-ports into full-speed. - Add OTG-Control-Panel ( PLAT_USB_OTG). Allows setting function of second USB-port. - Bugfix in GetDiskInfo(). + Serial driver: - Bugfix: Need to write baudrate twice! - Bugfix: C#-applications fAbortOnError always false! + Audio: - Bugfix: Audio recording not possible. + CAN: - BugFix: Let detect mechanism work even in PeliCAN-mode. - Bugfix: Driver could cause system-hang. - Modified default CANBaseAddress for 3rd and 4th CAN. + WLAN (SDIO8686) - Update March 2011, Firmware 38.p51 + Ethernet: - Added support for protocol-drivers. - Added ASIX AX88796B driver. - Bugfix: Download of big files from Trizeps VI to PC fail. - Fixed MAC passing from bootloader to kernel. + Display & Touch: - Bugfix: backlight does not switch on after first touch-press. - Added Panjit capacitive touch driver. - Added support for ds1050z PWM-backlight. + Misc: - Added Flashupdate. - Added PLAT_BTUART_DMA to disable DMA for RS485 operation - Added PLAT_KUKSIM. - Added TTLIO-driver. - Added uuidfile(Image-ID). - Changes on how images are put together. - Some changes to better support ActiveSync. - Bugfix: M41T81 RTC not working. - Added platform.reg-variables: PLAT_AUTO_BACKLIGHT_DEFAULT_OFF, PLAT_DISPLAY_SKIPLINES, PLAT_IDENT, PLAT_IMAGE_GUID and PLAT_CPU_MODUL_TYPE - Added: IOCTL_HAL_DISABLE_WAKE, IOCTL_HAL_ENABLE_WAKE, IOCTL_HAL_GET_DEVICEID - Added g_oalIoCtlPlatformManufacturer and g_oalIoCtlPlatformName for SPI_Info. - BugFix: Corrected PWM generated through CPLD (now full range usable). +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q4: + Added CAN. + Added iPAN7-camera. + Added support for calling KernelIoControl() from user-mode. + Added Watchdog ( IOCTL_HAL_WATCHDOG) and Soft-Reset. + Added KuK-Tools (Save, Erase registry). + Optimized MFU ( Ethernet-driver). + Bluetooth autobaud-detect. + Bugfixes/changes: - option: route nIOIS16 to IRQ. - option: use of A[15..8] on Trizeps VI WL. - option: PLAT_HEAP_BASE and PLAT_HEAP_SIZE to modify RAM-usage for Heap. - option: automatically show/hide cursor on attach of mouse. - ActiveSync settings for USB. - some registry-options: PLAT_USB_DYNAMICCLIENT, PLAT_USB_OTG_VAL,.. - bugfix: Octal-UART-driver. - bugfix: UseFlowCtl-registy-setting. - bugfix: suspend/resume caused hang in backlight-thread. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q3: + Merged with 3rd Golden BSP release from Marvell, which includes - fixes/optimizations in cache-routines, power-management. - improvements for GCU (2D-Hardware-Accelerator). + Support for B0-processor revision at 1.1GHz operating point. + Bugfix: Using drvlib_app.dll GPIO and I2C -routines from User-mode cause exception. + Bugfix: Write/Read from nand-flash and external chip-selects can cause hang. + Bugfix: Serial-driver will hang the system if data is received but not read. + Added Backlight functionality ( see bitmapboot and display-registry settings). + Added support for on-board Bluetooth. + Changes scheduler timer to TMR1. + Minor Bugfixes/changes. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q2: + First Non-Prelimnary BSP. + Major improvements. + Added possibility to create RAM-images. + Tested Kitl & Eboot functionality. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q1_pre6: + Added B0-support. + Added Octal-UART (untested) + several Bugfixes. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q1_pre4: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BSP_TR6CONXS_2010Q1_pre3: [ Needs current bootloader: 19.03.2010 ] + Added boot-picture-parameter parsing from bootloader to WinCE-driver